Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Temple My Temple

I was reading my Bible this morning and it struck me....quite strangely in fact how God can use any part of scripture to impact your life.
I was reading about the Temple and how the Isrealites were rebuilding it, how it'd been destroyed and in need of building again as the icon to their faith.
As all good builders, they started with the foundation. Laying Concrete which would be the footing, the 'solid rock', the cornerstone, and the basis for which all the rest of the building was going to take shape.
And when it was done...? There was much complaining and much rejoicing. Half of the people were rejoicing praising God that the work had begun, the plans were laid and in motion, and the Temple was rising again. The other half...? Complaining, moaning, grumbling, in diress.
Why? They noticed that the Temple's foundation wasn't the same. It didnt' have the same layout, maybe one less room, maybe a smaller this or a smaller that, maybe something was missing entirely. Yet complaining at it's rebirth.
It reminded me of me. How most recently in my life, my foundation has been rocked. Torn to rubble, dashed against the horrors of my life and poor decision making and some things out of my control.
How just like the Temple, I am being rebuilt again. I am no longer sitting on the same foundation of pain, lies, hurt, emotion, hate, and anger that i once was.
And what do I do? I lament, i curse the day, I rue the night, I spring up wondering why it can't be the way it was? Why must i endure the pain of destruction to be rebuilt, and not even the same way?
Someone must've made a mistake!!
Yes as I thought about it more, and on my way to work, I realized that God is molding my foundation. He is asking my to take the good things from my previous, add them to my new, and rejoice. Rejoice and not Lament. For even though discomfort has arisen, Joy will arise higher than the pain of my foundational destruction.

So I pray that I will rise up, shake the rubble's dust from my old foundation, and sit, rejoicing at the new Temple that I am becoming with Joy, Anticipation, and Wonder at who I will be.

And so, when the temple is complete, I will not Lament, but rejoice and worship the Architect. He alone can turn my mourning to song. And I shall rise, newly constructed, again.


  1. This is very insightful and very well-put. I am glad that God has brought to light the parallels between the rebuilding of the temple and his rebuilding of you!! Keep it up; I told you he's got some amazing stuff in store for you!!
