Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I had two whole weeks to contemplate my small group topic for study last night. And what topic did i pick? Thankfullness. Which, in light of it being thanksgiving the prior week may have not been a stretch. However, thinking back to conversations I had over the last few weeks I took some time to sit and be thankful. And thankful. And thankful. You know what i came up with? There is a lot to be thankful for in my life. So many things, blessings, and people in my life that have brought so much joy, peace, and thanks to my life that it struck me...what am I stressing about?
Wait/What? Is Gary really going to change his stance on existence? Yes, i'm trying.
So my experiment that my group and I are embarking on: Bookends of Thankfullness.

Sitting on a shelf, tens, hundreds, thousands of books. Some Horror, Some Drama, Some Comedy, Romance, Self Help, History, and so on. This shelf is a wild connundrum of existence. On any given day you could pick up one of these books, take it down, and read about wild adventures or horrible misfortune. Destitue souls, or Souls Soaring with Romance. A caucophany of dissarray, displaced writings, and mismatched controversy. Yet what holds this ammalgamation together? BookEnds. BookEnds hold this seemingly mismatched roiling row in place, in hand, and under control.
The shelf is our lives. The book circumstances in them that affect us, either for good or bad, are the books. We become affected. What if thankfullness was our bookends? What if every night before bed, and every morning upon arising, we read our list of what we are thankful for, and pondered that throughout the day?
For the next two weeks. My group and I will embark on a mission of gratitude, thankfulness, and appreciation bookending our day. More to come...

1 comment:

  1. What if,the circumstances that affect us, are always good.

    The immediate outcome may not be to our liking, but what if we believed and accepted (not understood . . . that's an awful lot to ask, and we are only human), that it is all in alignment with the highest order of good? That all lessons point us home?

    Hmmm . . .
